Message for ICU Church August 22, 2021
“Wives, Be Subject to Your Husbands”
by Jeremiah Alberg
Ephesians 5:21-32
I want to answer three questions that might arise with the Scripture passage we have read today. First, why are we using this passage? That is, why are using a passage that speaks in this way about wives, or about husbands for that matter? Second, what does the way that this passage speaks, tell us about God and ourselves? Finally, given the way the passage speaks, how are we to speak with one another?
So, first of all, why are reading this passage? True, it is in the Christian Lectionary for this Sunday, but there a couple of other choices as well. I can understand that it might upset some people. In particular it might upset some women who are wives, and find themselves being told to submit to their husbands as if he were God. We recall that Paul was not married… But it can also upset some men, who find it upsetting that there are women who get upset by this passage. In other words, they find themselves agreeing with Paul, agreeing with the Bible, agreeing with the word of God and find it disturbing that others would dare to disagree with all those things.
But getting disturbed, getting upset at the Christian message is an integral part of the Christian message. If we decided to quit using the Scriptural passages that might upset someone, we would have a thin set of texts left to us. Paul warns us against removing the offense of the Cross. Indeed, there are various kinds of offense that can be taken from the Gospel. Just think of the relatively simple story of the Good Samaritan and count the number of ways different people can take offense. We, the present readers of the text, are likely to be offended that the priest and the Levite would just walk by the man who was attacked, although the Jews who heard the story were not offended in that those priests were simply avoiding impurity as was their duty. On the other hand, the Jews listening to the story were upset that a Samaritan would be the hero of the story, where that no longer offends us. One can imagine that present day Jews could well be upset that Christians tell a story that so clearly misrepresents their religion in which the law of saving a life overrides any other law whatsoever. All these ways of being offended by Gospel, and all of them can become ways in which draw closer to Christ by overcoming our offense.
So I use this reading in order that we might be disturbed, that we might be upset, that we might be offended — to bring this out and to destroy any false contentment. I have said before, probably here, that if you are reading your Bible and you are not tempted every five minutes or so to throw it across the room then either you have reached the highest levels of holiness or you are not paying attention. The Good News upsets our world. This is why I chose this passage for today.
Second, what does the way that this passage speaks, tell us about God and ourselves? It speaks of the marital relationship; it speaks of sexuality; it speaks of our bodies and, concerning them all, it says, as a general principle: Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. This is for men, this is for women, this is for gays, this is for straights, this is for lesbians, this is for transgender, for bisexual. It does not matter if you are master or a slave. It is for every Christian, no matter what kind of body you might have, no matter what kind of relationship you find yourself in: it says, shelter yourself beneath the other in a reverence for Christ as present in that other. Here there is no Jew or Greek, there is no male or female, there is no free or slave. All of us are in Christ.
Then Paul makes the claim that is so much more problematic: “Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, the body of
which he is the Savior. 24 Just as the church is subject to Christ, so also wives ought to be, in everything, to their husbands.” So let’s take this more or less literally. Wives are to be subject to their husbands as the Church is subject to Christ. The model here is the relationship between Christ and “his body” the Church. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus said the following to the Apostles: Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Now this looks to me like Christ is submitting to the Church. That in his emptying out of himself on the Cross, his kenosis, Christ submitted himself to us, this community of believers, this group of sinners. So Christian submission, the submission of the Church to Christ includes as integral part of it, Christ’s submission to the Church. In other words, husband submit to your wives as Christ submits to his church.
Still, perhaps I am skirting the issue. Why did Paul write: Wives are to be subject, instead of husbands are to be subject? I will go out on a limb here, but I want to say I think that we are just beginning to learn about the proper relation between men and women. I think it was because Paul could not have imagined a world in which women had sociological and economic freedom, any more than he could have imagined a world without slavery. Paul could imagine the kingdom, as I already mentioned, the kingdom in which there is no male or female, no slave or free, but imagining a society that would allow women, however imperfectly, to control their own destiny was probably beyond him. So I think it is possible to revise Paul on this point. To say, husbands submit, or to say husbands and wives alternatively submit. The reason I think this has something to do with what C.S. Lewis wrote in connection with this passage. At least on one level there is something pragmatic going on here. As Lewis said, if you only have two people, occasions are going to arise in which no real compromise is possible, the couple has to choose either A or B and one wants A and the other wants B, then something has to give. Now if the overall principle of the relationship is “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ,” then, in these cases, which are going to be passingly rare, Paul plumped down on the husband. On one level he is not talking about anything that cannot be changed.
But on another level he is. Paul is speaking about the deeper reality of two people becoming one flesh. This is the “great mystery.” Our care for another who is now a part of ourselves. How are we to do this? More particularly, given the way this passage speaks how are we to speak to each other, husband and wife. It is here that we enter the particularly Christian dimension of the mystery. The deepest, most mysterious part is intimately connected with the mundane, the everyday, the utterly non-mysterious. Our bodies, these poor, prone to breakdown, decaying, aging bodies express the deepest mystery of love and of union. The everyday world of compromise, of giving in, of fighting, is the world in which love gets realized.
And so Paul gives us husbands advice on how to speak to our wives. He says I am to make my wife holy by cleansing her with the washing of water by the word. Now allow me to back up a bit a develop my context for understanding these words.
First of all, if one have been married awhile, then one pretty much knows how one’s spouse will react to whatever one says. In particular one knows, before one opens one’s mouth the kind of things that one’s spouse will take as criticism, will get upset about, will get defensive or even angry about. We know this almost automatically. We have an expression for it: “He or she knows how to push my buttons.” Well, a while back, I decided that one way I could concretely show my love to my wife was to not say anything that would cause her to even think that I might be criticizing her. I would not say anything that would upset her or cause her to get defensive or even to feel like she had to “react” to what I had said. So I made this decision and got up the next morning and after saying good morning to my wife I tried to monitor carefully what I would say. I found myself not saying anything. Every time I was about to open my mouth, what I was planning to say could not pass the test. That is, let me be clear, I realized that everything I intended to say to my wife had become something with an edge, something critical, something mean. So now I had nothing to say. I would start to say something and just stop. My wife would give a strange look. She knew something was going on. Now I made a lot of mistakes, still said things I shouldn’t have, but I have tried to stay with this, even sometimes saying out loud, I can’t think of anything to say that won’t make this situation worse, so I am not saying anything. But slowly things changed, and we started to have conversations again.
All this is just context for understanding what I think Paul means about how I am to speak a cleansing word to my wife. This sounds like she is dirty and I am supposed clean her up. But I think it means completely different.
My wife loves her Ofuro. At the end of a day that has her commuting to work, helping our daughters, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, all the stuff that goes into being a wife and mother in today’s world, she just enjoys getting in the Ofuro and letting the tiredness and tension of the day melt away. She comes out clean and refreshed. Paul is telling me that each word I say to her should be to her as a kind of verbal Ofuro.
That each and every one of my words should be warm and soothing. That they should free her from the stresses and strains of her daily living. Paul is telling me that each and every word I utter to my wife is both freighted with eternal significance and consequence, and as simple as a daily bath. So I need to be careful and speak with care to my wife, so that she be bathed in love.
Let us pray … that my wife will forgive me for speaking so much about her in this message.
Let us pray to God, our almighty Father, that he will grant us in Christ the grace to submit to one another in love. That he help us choose our words carefully so that they are healing words, soothing words that cleanse the other. We ask God to blessed the married couples in ours community, to strengthen and to deepen their love for each other so that more and more it resembles Christ’s love for his Church. We ask all this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen
2021年8月22日 ICU教会聖日
ジェレマイア オルバーグ
エペソ人への手紙 5章21-32節
それからパウロはさらに問題発言を続けます。「妻たる者よ。主に仕えるように自分の夫に仕えなさい。キリストが教会のかしらであって、自らは、からだなる教会の救主であられるように、夫は妻のかしらである。そして教会がキリストに仕えるように、妻もすべてのことにおいて、夫に仕えるべきである」 (5:22-24)。この箇所を多かれ少なかれ文字通りに捉えてみましょう。妻は夫の支配下に置かれるべきであるように、教会はキリストの支配下にあるべきです。ここでの関係性のモデルは、キリストとその「体である」教会との関係です。マタイの福音書の中で、イエスは弟子たちに次のように言われました。「よく言っておく。あなたがたが地上でつなぐことは、天でも皆つながれ、あなたがたが地上で解くことは、天でもみな解かれるであろう。また、よく言っておく。もしあなたがたのうちのふたりが、どんな願い事についても地上で心を合わせるなら、天にいますわたしの父はそれをかなえて下さるであろう。ふたりまたは三人が、わたしの名によって集まっている所には、わたしもその中にいるのである」(マタイ18:18-20)…これはキリストが教会に仕えているように私には見えます。キリストは、十字架上で自分自身を空にすること、彼のケノーシスにおいて、信者の共同体であり、罪人の集まりである私たちに自分自身を仕えさせました。ですから、キリスト教において仕えること、キリストへの教会の服従は、その不可欠な部分として、キリストの教会への服従を含みます。言い換えれば、キリストが教会に仕えるように、夫は妻に仕えなさい。
まず第一に、結婚してしばらくすると、人は自分の配偶者が自分の言うことにどのように反応するか大抵わかります。特に、口を開く前に、配偶者が批判だと捉えるか、動揺したり、むきになったり、あるいは怒り出すかどうかを知っています。これはほぼ自動的にわかります。 英語には「彼または彼女は私のボタンを押す方法を知っている。」という表現があります。さて、しばらく前に、妻に自分の愛を具体的に示す方法の1つは、妻が批判されていると感じるようなことは何も言わないことだと思いました。彼女を動揺させたり、むきにさせたり、私が言ったことに「反応」しなければならないと感じさせたりするようなことは何も言わない。そう決めて、翌朝起きて妻におはようと言った後、自分が言うことを注意深く監視しようとしました。そうすると私は何も言わないことに気づきました。口を開けようとするたびに、私が言おうとしていたことは基準をクリアできないものばかりでした。つまり、はっきりさせておきますが、妻に言いたいことはすべて、とげのあるもの、批判的なもの、意地悪なものになっていることに気づきました。そのため私は何も言えなくなってしまいました。何かを言い始めて、ただ止まるのです。妻は変なものを見る目でみてきました。何かが起こっていることを感じている様子でした。私はその後もたくさんの失敗をして、余計なことも言いましたが、この意識を継続しようとしました。口にしてもこの状況は悪化しようがないという時には何も言わないようにしました。しかし、ゆっくりと状況が変わっていき、私たちの間に再び会話が戻ってきました。