The Goal is Equality

Message for June 27th, 2020
Graduation and Farewell Service at ICU Church
“The Goal is Equality”
by Jeremiah Alberg
Scripture Passage: 2 Corinthians 8: 7-9, 13-15
I am honored to be asked to speak at the Sunday Service that we dedicate to the graduates of 2021. Congratulations to you and to your families. The prayers and good wishes of the ICU Church Community are with you as you begin this new phase of your life’s journey.
I did not exactly choose today’s Scripture passage from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, rather it chose you insofar as it is the regular reading for this Sunday. It may seem either very appropriate or wildly inappropriate for today, depending on your viewpoint. It is basically Paul’s “fundraising pitch.” Paul is trying to raise money for the Church in Jerusalem. The ICU Fundraising Office might find this passage quite providential in the hope of reminding you, as you graduate, to please contribute to ICU. It is not a bad message. On the other hand, the graduates might find this a little crass, begging for money before they have gotten their first paycheck. Be all that as it may, I think that even in his fundraising Paul has larger, more important message for all of us, but in particular for the graduates. A message that you can take with you as you go out into the world. A message that, since it is fundamentally the message of Christ himself, will prove itself to be useful always.
Paul’s message begins by asking you to remember and to celebrate something. He asks you, and I ask you, to remember and to celebrate exactly how wonderful you are, just how blessed you are. To be deeply aware of all the great gifts you have not only been given, but which you have also graciously received and made your own. You have so much to share and to give and that is a great thing. A thing worth celebrating.
But Paul and I want you to receive one more gift — a kind of crowning gift to all the other gifts and that is the precious gift of gifting. Paul and I want you to be given the ability to give.
There is a deep reason why Paul and I see this as a special gift that ultimately only God can give to you. Giving, giving the way Christ gave, is actually beyond our power. To give rightly is difficult, perhaps impossible. I think all of us have the experience of receiving something that we really do not want, of being forced to accept and perhaps even to show gratitude for something that we do not want but is being given to us.
Thus, there is a reason why all cultures, very much including the Japanese culture, have so many rules, rituals, and taboos surrounding gift-giving. There is nothing simple about it. We humans give as away of creating difference and thereby creating order. Who gives what to whom on what occasion determines who is up and who is down, who is in and who is out. This is the secret reality behind giving that Jesus came to bring to light and to undo. We, sinful human beings, use giving as a way of establishing our superiority over others. But Jesus Christ gave himself over to us to establish our radical equality with him and with each other — an equality before God himself. This is the
reason that Paul in this very short passage twice refers to equality as the aim or goal of giving. Christian giving is not about establishing superiority, it is not about marking who is up and who is down, who is in and who is out; it is about establishing equality.
This is one very important way in which Christian giving differs from worldly giving, but there is another even deep level to this mystery. Paul quotes, possibly from a pre-existing hymn, that our “Lord Jesus Christ, though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Now we, or at least I hear this and think: I get it. It is sort of like the following: Let’s say there is a town filled with poor people but on the hill above the town lives one very rich man in a huge mansion. One day this rich man opens his eyes and sees all these poor people and for some reason gets so moved by that, that he gets all of his money together and divides it all equally among all the town’s inhabitants. Everyone gets an equal share and thus each family ends up with just as much or as little as everyone else and so all are equal. This is a message that we can comprehend.
But, interestingly enough, this not all what Paul or the hymn actually says. It is not what the words themselves mean. It does not say that we get rich by our Lord Jesus Christ giving us his riches. We are not enriched by what he gave up. This is not a zero-sum game where someone, in this case Christ, has to lose in order for someone else, in this case us, to gain. What Paul quite literally writes is that Christ became poor and through his poverty we might become rich. Now this is a deep mystery. His poverty, not his wealth, enriches us and if we wish to give, if we wish to enrich others in imitation of Christ, then we too must enrich them through our poverty.
This means that all I said at the beginning — about all your gifts and graces, which are truly wonderful, and for which you are to be grateful, are also all secondary. None of them, for all the real good they can and will do in this world, will accomplish their true aim if you do not unite them with this greatest gift, the gift of enriching others through your own poverty. It is our poverty, our ordinariness, our mediocrity, our lack, our weakness that truly enriches others and through which we ourselves are enriched. We give our riches away not to raise others up, but to lower ourselves so that in the end we are empty, we are spent and it is precisely this emptiness, this nothingness that God uses to create the new creation. And this my brothers and sisters is the radical equality to which God call us.
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, giver of all good things, we humbly yet insistently call upon you today to gift us with the gift of gifting. Enable us to give away, to detach ourselves from all of our riches, to become poor in Christ and thereby to be able to enrich others as Christ himself has enriched us. Father, all of this is far beyond our weak powers, beyond even our imagination, but we believe it is not beyond your power, your vision and so ask for this grace confidently in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen
2021年6月27日 ICU教会卒業送別礼拝
コリント人への第二の手紙8章7-9節, 13-15節
ジェレミア オルバーグ
そのため、日本文化を含むすべての文化が、贈り物に関する多くの規則、儀式やタブーを持っているのには理由があります。 全くもって簡単なことではありません。 私たち人間は、贈ることで違いを生み出し、それによって秩序を生み出します。 誰が誰に、何を、どのような機会に贈るか、によって、誰が上で下であるか、誰が内にいて外にいるかを定めます。 これが贈るということの隠された現実であり、イエスはこれを明るみに出し、 やり直すためにやってきました。罪深い人間である私たちは、他の人に対する優位性を確立する方法として贈ることを利用します。 それに対しイエス・キリストは、私たちに自身を引き渡し、それにより私たちとキリストそして、私たちの間に徹底的な平等を確立しました。それは神を前にした私たちの平等です。これが、この非常に短い箇所でパウロが贈る目的または目標として二度も平等に言及している理由です。 キリスト教における贈るということは、
優越性を確立することでも、誰が上で下であるか、誰が内にいて外にいるかを示すことでもありません。 平等を確立することです。

I am an academic living in Tokyo.