That They May Be One

Message for ICU Church July 25, 2021
“That They May Be One”
by Jeremiah Alberg
Ephesians 4:1-6
Good morning. Over the months that I have had the privilege of giving these messages to you, I have revealed different things about how I prepare for them. For example, I have told you how I go about choosing, or better put, allowing the passage to be chosen for me. I want to continue sharing some of this process with you today. I hope it does not come as a surprise that my main way of preparing is through prayer. Petitionary prayer in which I beg God to teach me what it is that He wants to say to you, the ICU Church, at this moment in time. Now this prayer is seldom answered in the way I want. I usually do not get a sudden flash of inspiration that allows me to write the message as a kind of dictation. Normally, almost always the answer that is intimated to me in prayer comes in the form of a question: What do you want to say to them? Now this may sound, does sound, very convenient and very arrogant: whatever I want to say becomes what God wants to say. But again that is not quite how it works. I am thrown back on myself to search as deeply as I can to find what I think is the Word that is being spoken to you and to me at this moment in our journey of faith. And here two problems present themselves, each of which requires a different solution. The first is finding that Word, that message, that is being addressed to us. This requires a certain interior silence and a kind of brutal honesty with myself that, as much as possible, cuts through my own ego and really is open to what needs to be heard at this moment in our lives together. Often, this is the hardest part and once this has been discovered it is pretty clear to me what needs to be said. The second problem is the reverse of the first. Sometimes I find that I know quite clearly what the Word is that is being spoken to us, but I have no idea what to say about it.
It was the second problem I faced in preparing this week’s message. Somewhat unusually, I knew what the word was from the first time my eyes laid rest on the passage. Perhaps you sensed it also as it was read aloud. The Word is “one” 「一つ」. In the passage from Ephesians we heard today Paul uses the word seven times.
One body
One Spirit
One hope
One Lord
One faith
One baptism
One God and Father
So my problem was not with what the message was to be about, but this overwhelming feeling of inadequacy to say anything truly meaningful about the oneness that Paul, a prisoner in Christ, proclaims.
Therefore, I want to say what I can, while encouraging you in your own prayer to pursue this in a manner more worthy than anything I can do this morning.
I am absolutely convinced that when we speak of unity, and that is what we are speaking about when we speak of oneness, we are speaking of something that each one of us longs for on the deepest level of our being. We long to be one with others, and we long to be ourselves one — that is, integrated, whole, dynamic human beings. This desire is so deep that it means that we must be wary of a false unity. There is a unity that is seductive and it is not true.
So I want to try to show you that, as human beings, our default position on oneness, on unity is fundamentally a misrecognition of it, a false conception of it and false feeling about it. I mean this both on the level of personal identity and group identity. Remember that the word ‘identity’ basically means oneness. Your identity is your sense of oneness. Your group identity is belonging, where belonging means a feeling of oneness with a group that is larger than yourself, be it your family, your club, your company, your church or your nation.
Now it will come as no surprise to at least some of you who have heard my messages that I believe that our default position is to form our sense of oneness over against those who are excluded. So, every time we think that someone is “good” in the sense of being “in,” of being acceptable, of being OK, versus someone else who is “bad” in the sense of being “out,” of being unacceptable, we are operating with kind of thinking that perfectly “normal” and perfectly anti-Christian. This is usually how we become an integrated individual. And every time we build up our group by putting down others, we are using a way of proceeding that is normal in the sense that it is used everyday by many people but is no less sinful because of that. I have used this story before, but it captures what I mean so perfectly I will use it again.
I had a friend, a pretty good friend, but also a rival, someone whom I liked and admired, but with whom I also had real conflicts — problems that I did not want to deal with and work through. I was too afraid, and so probably was he. One day I had to take a trip with in a car, just the two of us for over two hours. I was just dreading it. I did not want to talk about the tensions and the problems, but if we did not address them, then I was not going to be able to talk at all. My throat would be too tight, my mind too crowded with spiteful thoughts. As the car pulled up before my house, I did not know what to do. I got in the car, but on my seat belt and said, You know, So-and-So, she is such a bitch. And then I proceeded to trash this woman for a few minutes. When I was done I paused took a deep breath and waited, and my friend said, Yeah, I hate her too. The way she does such and such.” And my friend and I got along for the rest the trip with no problems. Now I did not plan on doing that, and I “knew not what I was doing” when I actually did it. But I was enabled to see what I had done later and realized that what I had done was akin to murdering that woman. It is what Jesus means when he says: “The law says Thou shalt not kill, but I say anyone who calls his brother or sister “Fool” will end up in Gehenna. I was in Gehenna. But I also want you to notice that it “works.” By behaving in this way I was able to “reconcile” with my friend. But this is the opposite of Christian oneness.
Still, this is our starting point. This is what we generally mean by oneness. My friend and I became one for the duration of that car trip. But this is not what Jesus and Paul mean my oneness.
Oneness starts with many. Paul starts with “I” and he exhorts a “you” the Ephesians, us, and he exhorts the Ephesians and us to lead a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called. A life that does not built oneness on exclusion and expulsion. Does not build it on ijime and nasty talk. Now one does not exhort someone to what comes easy. I do not need to be exhorted to eat sweets. I do need to be exhorted to eat healthily. So the call to which we have been called is not easy. We know that. But Paul spells it out: it takes humility, gentleness, patience, love, making every effort — effort — to maintain the unity of the Spirit. None of this comes easy to us. Most of us can probably more easily recall acts of pride, moments of anger, harshness towards others, failure to love, making efforts to break things apart rather than maintaining unity. But worse than our overt sins, is that our efforts at maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace are so often false, like my behavior with my friend. I created a unity, but it was a false unity. This is why Paul writes, “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” The unity of the Spirit is only possible in this bond of peace with everyone, including those you hate.
We cannot do this on our own power and this is why Paul talks about one hope. What is our “one hope?” It is hope in oneness or for oneness. I already said we deeply long for oneness – to be an integral person, to be one with our spouse, with our children, with our community, with God. This longing is matched by and grounded in a hope that unites all that this desire will be fulfilled by God in Christ. It really is the one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in all who can do this in us. He, through Christ in the Spirit gifts with a new identity founded on a new hope — a hope that all will be saved along with us being saved.
Let us pray: God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all, we believe in your oneness and we hope to share in that oneness. Lead us through our one faith, our one baptism to become one Body in you, one Spirit in each of us, bringing us to your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our one Lord.
2021年7月25日 ICU教会聖日
ジェレマイア オルバーグ
エペソ人への手紙 4章1-6節
それは、今週の説教を準備する際に直面した2つ目の問題でした。珍しいことに、私は最初にこの文章に目を留めたときから、その言葉が何であるかを知っていました。もしかしたら、あなたも声に出して読んだときに感じたかもしれません。その言葉とは、「一つ」です。今日聞いたエペソ人への手紙の中で、パウロはこの言葉を7回使っています。 からだは一つ 御霊も一つ 一つの望み 主は一つ 信仰は一つ バプテスマは一つ 父なる神は一つ
これらは私たち自身の力ではできません。だからこそ、パウロは一つの希望について語るのです。私たちの 「一つの希望」とは何でしょうか?それは、私たちが一体感に感じる希望、あるいは一体感の実現への希望です。私たちは、配偶者、子供、地域社会、そして神と一体となった一体感のある人間になりたいと、深く願っているとすでに述べました。この憧れは、キリストにある神によってこの望みが叶えられるという、すべての人を結びつける希望と一致し、それに基づいています。すべての上にいて、すべてを通して、すべての中にいる唯一の神であり、すべての父である神が、私たちの中でこれを実現してくださるのです。神は、御霊の中のキリストを通して、新しい希望に基づいた新しいアイデンティティー、すなわち、私たちが救われるとともにすべての人が救われるという希望を与えてくださいます。

I am an academic living in Tokyo.