“I Thank My God”

Sunday, November 22nd 2020 – Thanksgiving Sunday
Revelation 7:11-12
“I Thank My God”
Jeremiah Alberg
Today is the Feast of the Reign of Christ, the last Sunday before Advent and the new liturgical year.
Here, at ICU Church, it is also Thanksgiving Sunday. My message today is a kind of combination of these
two feasts. That is, it a combination of eschatology, or what used to be called the last things: death, judgment,
Heaven, Hell, and the most common of things for which we give thanks: namely bread. First, I want to
make apparent the fact that on a fundamental level we do not know what it is to give thanks: we do not
understand it. Thanksgiving is part of death, judgment, Heaven and Hell — mysteries that are a deep part of
our lives of faith, but which we have a hard time understanding. In order to convince you that we have a
hard time understanding thanksgiving, I am going to give you a quiz on it. All you have to do to pass the
quiz is answer the questions correctly, I will give you a clue the answer to all the questions is the same. But,
let me warn you, I suspect that none of you will be able to pass the quiz. But once we have all flunked the
quiz, I think we will be ready to learn what thanksgiving is and that we will accomplish through prayer.
Let me add at this point that even though all of you will be unable to pass the quiz that I will be
giving, it does not mean that I could pass it. Today’s message is meant first of all for me. It is I who do not
know what giving thanks is. What this means is that at a fundamental level, I will only be able to show you
what true thanksgiving is, if you help me to do it. I cannot give this message on my own.
So, my first and only real point, we we do not know what thanksgiving is. This should not surprise
us. Today’s Scripture passage states it implicitly. We read that the Angels, the elders, the four living
creatures, who are symbols of the heavenly kingdom, worship God by singing. They sing to God his
blessing and his glory, his wisdom and his honor, his power and his might. And they also sing thanksgiving.
This means that giving thanks will be one of our main activities in heaven. The Book of Revelation is telling
us that thanksgiving is an “eschatological” act, an act of heaven, that begins here in time and space and
extends to all eternity. It begins here, in this Church, now; we are participating in the heavenly thanksgiving.
This is our foretaste of heaven, of the Promised Land.
But does this feel like heaven? Do we see God? Are we filled with a joy and awe that is
indescribable? I can only speak for myself, but I have to say, ‘Not really.’ Which only means that I do not
naturally understand it and I have to be given the grace to give thanks. There have been a few occasions
when the liturgy has seemed like a foretaste of heaven, but not often, not every time.
Now, rather than continuing to go through all kinds of examples showing how little we understand
thanksgiving, I thought it easier and more to the point to give a simple quiz and, when everyone here flunks
it, you will all be convinced that we do not understand it. OK?
The quiz is the following. I am going to give several passages from the Gospel of Mark in which
Jesus gives thanks. The quiz is simple: For what is Jesus giving thanks? Answer it correctly and you win.
My bet is that most of you will lose.
First of all, Mark 6. The feeding of the 5,000. You know the story. All of these people have gathered
to hear Jesus teach. It is a remote place. The disciples tell Jesus to send the people away so that can go and
buy themselves something to eat. But he tells them that they are to give them something to eat. The disciples
are at a loss. Jesus asks them how many loaves they have. They find five and two fish. Then it says: “Taking
the five loaves and two fishes and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.”
Next, Mark 8. It is basically the same story, only this time it is 4,000 people and seven loaves. It
says, “When had take the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to
distribute to the people.”
Finally, Mark 14. The Last Supper. Jesus took the bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it
and gave it to his disciples. … Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them.
Four times we have Jesus recorded as giving thanks. So my quiz is: What is Jesus giving thanks for?
Please mentally mark your answer.
My suspicion is that most of you answered “bread.” I don’t think that is correct, or if it is correct, it
is of a very secondary nature, so much so that if that was your answer, it has to be marked wrong and so
you flunk due to an incomplete answer.
But how can I show you that the answer of bread is wrong, when it seems pretty obvious that Jesus
takes the loaves, takes the bread and give thanks, meaning, he is giving thanks for the bread.
Let me try. In Mark’s Gospel, right after the second story of feeding of the crowds, there is an
important episode. It happens in in the middle Chapter 8, that is, it happens right in the middle of the Gospel,
and I think it is put there by Mark as a kind of quiz, that you need to pass if you are going to go on to read
the second half of the Gospel. So let’s look at this quiz and see if we can pass it.
After the feeding of the 5,000 and the feeding of the 4,000 Jesus gets in a boat with his disciples,
who, it says, “forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf.” Jesus gives them a warning, “Watch out for
the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” They think he gives them this warning because “we have no
bread.” Then Jesus just explodes at them:
“Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand?
Are your hearts hardened? 18 Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not
remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces
did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.” 20 “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets
full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.” 21 And he said to them, “Do you not
yet understand?
Now we can read this passage as Jesus getting angry with his disciples. In Mark’s Gospel in
particular, the disciple are pretty hapless lot. They really never quite get what Jesus is about. So we can
read it and think of how dense the disciples are. But I find it more fruitful if, instead reading only in that
way, we also read it as if Mark is sort of standing right behind Jesus, and as Jesus is scolding his disciples
and asking them these questions, it is actually Mark who is scolding us, his readers, and he is asking us and
saying to us the same things that Jesus is saying to his disciples. Why are you talking about bread? Don’t
you, dear Reader, not yet perceive and understand? Are your hearts hardened” Mark is asking us, precisely
midway through his Gospels, have you understood everything I have told you so far? Did you get the
meaning of the multiplication of the loaves? I, Mark, even repeated them. They are not about bread. So, if
you didn’t get what they are really about go back and read it again, because until you understand this, you
will not understand the Last Supper, you will not understand the Eucharist. It is not about bread. It is about
giving thanks.
He — and here I mean Mark more than Jesus — gives us one last clue. He writes that Jesus warns
them about the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod. What does this mean? Do you know? The disciples
don’t know, they really are clueless. They think it has to do with bread. But are we any better? Now the
only thing we can do, it seems to me is to go back to the beginning of Mark’s Gospel and reread it, but this
time let’s pay attention to the Pharisees and to Herod. Let’s see where they come up. Luckily, Mark’s
Gospel is short, and we can do this quickly.
We first run across the Pharisees in Chapter 2, who saw Jesus eating with sinners and tax collectors.
What was he eating. Probably bread, but that is not the point, it is not about the bread. They ask his disciples,
Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners? Now this is probably a big hint.
Next, we see them in the same chapter and they, the Pharisees are fasting. That is, not eating. And
they are upset because Jesus disciples do not fast. They want to know, why do we fast, but yours disciples
do not. Jesus tells them, it is not about the bread, it is not about eating and not eating.
We meet them one more time in the same chapter. Jesus and his disciples pass through grain fields
on the Sabbath. Now what do you make from grain? Bread, but bread is not the point here. His disciples
pick some heads of grain and eat them. The Pharisees say, Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on
the Sabbath? When Jesus answers, he talks about the “consecrated bread” that David ate and gave to his
We meet with the Pharisees one final time. Jesus goes into a synagogue and meets a man with
shriveled hand. The Pharisees are looking for a reason to accuse Jesus. They want to see if he will heal on
the Sabbath. Jesus has the man stand up in front of everyone and asks, Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to
do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill? But they remained silent. Jesus is distressed and angry. He
heals the man. And then we finally find what we were looking for. Mark writes: Then the Pharisees went
out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.” Here is the yeast of the Pharisees and
that of Herod. It is the yeast that leads from a righteous religiosity to terrorism. It is a concern for bread that
leads to murder.
Now do you understand? What was Jesus giving thanks for in all those passages. It wasn’t bread, at
least it was not primarily.
Jesus was giving thanks for those who would receive the bread, more than for the bread itself. Jesus
is giving thanks for the 5,000. He was giving thanks for the 4,000. At the Last Supper, he was giving thanks
for the bread, only insofar as it was bread that he could share with his12 disciples, and it is primarily for
them that he is giving thanks. He gave thanks for the sinners and the tax collectors that he could eat with.
Jesus thanks God for us, for having someone whom is willing to accept the blessings that he longs to give
us. See his distress and his anger when the people at the Synagogue won’t accept goodness, won’t accept
the saving of a life. It is not about the bread – it is about you and me.
As Christians we give thanks for someone with whom we can share something.
Perhaps you do not believe me. Perhaps I am wrong. But I find the real proof for this is Paul. Paul
who writes: For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was
betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said: This is my body.
Paul imitates Christ. He imitates him in giving thanks. What does Paul give thanks for? Let us imitate
Paul imitating Christ. That is, I want to give thanks, not for this message, but for you with whom I am
privileged share it. The object of our thanksgiving has to be one another. So let me pray the prayer of
thanksgiving of Paul.
Here is where you must help me. I cannot pray this prayer without you accepting this prayer. I have
prayed this prayer while preparing this message, trying to make it more my own, so that you will know,
how I experience being here at the ICU community on Thanksgiving Sunday. So I say to you:
3 I thank my God every time I remember you, which is always. 4 In all my prayers for
all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day
until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to
completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and,
whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace
with me. 8 God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.
9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and
depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and
blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through
Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:3-11)
2020 年11 月22 日(日)収穫感謝聖日
黙示録 7:11-12
ジェレマイア オルバーグ
ではThanksgiving Sunday, 感謝の日曜日でもあります。本日のメッセージはこの2つの祝祭を組み合わせ
感謝することとは死、審判、天国、地獄の一部です。この4 つは信仰生活の深い部分ですが、理解す
まずはマルコ6章。5,000 人にパンと魚を与えた話。みなさんもご存知だと思います。このすべての
つのパンと二匹の魚を見つけます。すると41 節ではこう書かれています。「イエスは五つのパンと二匹の
次にマルコ8章に注目します。似た話なのですが今回は4000 人と七つのパンが登場します。6節に
5,000 人、そして4,000 人に食べ物を与えた後イエスは弟子らと舟に乗るのですが、弟子たちはパ
ないのですか。心を頑なにしているのですか。18 目があっても見ないのですか。耳があっても聞かないの
ですか。あなた方は、覚えていないのですか。19 わたしが五千人のために五つのパンを裂いたとき、パン
切れを集めて、いくつかのかごがいっぱいになりましたか。』彼らは答えた。『十二です。』20 『四千人
は答えた。『七つです。』21 イエスは言われた。『まだ悟らないのですか。』」
イエスはパンそのものよりも、パンを与えられた人々に感謝をしていました。5,000 人の群衆に感謝
をしました。4,000 人に感謝をしました。最後の晩餐では、12 弟子に感謝をし、パンを分け与えました。
たパウロ。また、裏切られた夜にパンをとり、感謝を述べるときパンを裂き「これは私の体です。」 と言っ
の祈りを祈れません。このメッセージを準備する際、この祈りを祈っていました。私がICU のコミュニティ
3 私は、あなたがたのことを思うたびに、私の神に感謝しています。4 あなたがたすべての
ために祈るたびに、いつも喜びを持って祈り、5 あなたがたが最初の日から今日まで、福音
を伝えることにともに携わってきたことを感謝しています。6 あなたがたの間で良い働きを
7 あなたがたすべてについて、私がこのように考えるのは正しいことです。あなたがたはみ
かった人たちであり、そのようなあなたがたを私は心に留めているからです。8 私がキリス
9 私はこう祈っています。あなたがたの愛が、知識とあらゆる識別力によって、いよいよ豊
かになり、10 あなたがたが、大切なことを見分けることができますように。こうしてあな
11 イエス・キリストによって与えられる義の実に満たされて、神の栄光と誉れが現されま

I am an academic living in Tokyo.