Whoever Loves the Other Fulfills the Law

Message for ICU Church
New Students Welcome Sunday, September 6, 2020
“Whoever Loves the Other Fulfills the Law”
Jeremiah Alberg
(Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Peace Studies)
Scripture Passage: St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans 13:8-10
8Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.
Today we welcome the new students who are entering International Christian University in September of 2020. Congratulations to you and to your families and welcome to our faith community. We hope that all of you will find at ICU a spiritual home and support.
You begin your time here under unusual circumstances that no one could have foreseen a year ago. All of our lives have been more or less upended by the Covid-19 pandemic. At times like this, Christians turn to the Bible for comfort and for direction. I thought I too would turn to the Scriptures to bring you some advice about how to begin this new part of your life, about how to live in this time of uncertainty. Indeed, I will go to the Bible to give you some advice, but it needs to be said, that it can be dangerous to try to find some passage in the Bible that will help me give a message. The Bible is not really something that I can use to just support my own message to you. The Bible has to tell me what my message to you is.
There are ways of doing this. It is an ancient tradition that when things are most out of our control, and we really don’t know what to do, that then we just open the Bible at random and read the first passage that our eyes fall upon, with the belief that somehow through this God will speak to us. That is, in the face of our utter lack of control over reality, we quit trying to control it and we affirm that God is still the Lord of history, and that God can use even random acts like opening the Bible to speak to us. Some of you may know the story of St. Augustine’s conversion to Christianity, as he retells it in his Confessions. At the point in his life when things were most topsy-turvey, he does not try to exert control, but he gives it up by just opening a small booklet of St. Paul’s Letters and reading whatever passage his eyes fall upon. At that moment his whole life changed.
Now I did not go so far as just opening the Bible at random, but I did decide that I would not choose the passage myself, but rather I would let it be chosen for me. I decided that I would use whatever Scripture passages the Christian Churches are using for this Sunday. So, unlike St. Augustine, I did not open the book, but I went online and looked up the passages for September 6th and the first thing that my eyes fell upon were the words from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans: “Owe no one anything.” And I thought, Boy, that is terrible! I don’t want to say that to new students. “Don’t owe anything to anybody” — is that good? Is it even possible? Is it desirable? In truth this kind of reaction is always a good sign.
Let me make one more preliminary remark before I talk about this passage. It comes from the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard. He says that there are some passages in the Bible that are ‘difficult’ in the sense that they are hard to understand. We really need to
study them in order to know what they mean. But there are others that are ‘difficult’ not because they are hard to understand, in fact, they are pretty easy to understand, but they are ‘difficult’ because of what they require us to do. Kierkegaard says that we should be careful to distinguish these two kinds of difficulties and not to confuse the one kind for another. For instance, when Jesus says to the rich young man: “Go, sell all that you have and give it to the poor,” we really cannot say that we don’t understand it. We know what it means. St. Francis of Assis understood what it meant and he sold all his belongings, gave everything away to the poor, even his own clothes and served God in absolute poverty. That is what the words mean. It is just very hard to do. So, we can say, I will be the first to admit that I do say, ‘Lord, this is too hard for me.’ Not too difficult for me to understand, but way too difficult for me to live. So help me. I can’t do this on my own.
I think that today’s passage is ‘difficult’ in this second sense. We more or less understand the words: Owe no one anything, but we are not at all sure that we can do this or even if we want to do this. So I would like to explore what this might mean in three points.
The first point is to just try to take these words at their most literal level and understand them. “Owe no one anything.” How do we come to owe something to someone? I think that we can break this down to three categories.
The most basic way that we come to owe something to someone is because we borrowed something from them, and usually, it is money. So the most obvious or most basic thing that this passage is saying is, don’t borrow money. Or, more exactly Paul is saying don’t spend more than you have, so that you don’t owe anything to anyone. Further, Paul is implying that, if you find yourself owing people money, then you must change your life. You have to spend less or earn more, but you have to do something. Now this is not unusual advice; it is not even particularly Christian. In Hamlet Shakespeare has Polonius counsel his son Laertes, “Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be.” But this basic, human advice is important, because it warns us that being in debt is, not in itself evil, but dangerous. It puts your soul in a dangerous situation. Paul understands that not everyone who owes, who falls into debt, is bad. Someone suddenly gets ill and can’t work and has to pay medical bills. One can end up owing a lot very quickly. But Paul also knew that this was, as I said, a dangerous situation. Paul would expect the Christian community to come together and help this brother or sister who is in this situation — to pay off their debt so that they are not in danger.
There is a beautiful example of that here at ICU Church. The pandemic struck and suddenly many students and their families lost some or all of their income. And so the ICU Church came together and raised money to help students who needed money, so that they would not owe anyone anything. To help them avoid this dangerous situation.
But there are other ways that we come to owe others. If I spend a lot of time doing something of secondary value, so that I neglect important things, I end up owing people. So if I stay up all night playing video games and do not go to class, do not do the assignments, then I end up owing the Professor. Or if I work all kinds of overtime and neglect my spouse and children then I end up owing them; I find myself trying to find ways to pay them back what I should have given them in the first place. And I think here again, Paul is saying: You must change your life. Live so that you owe nothing to anyone. To use fancy words, Paul is saying, ‘Accrue no debts.’
There is a third way that we come to owe others. I want to ask you to think if you have ever had this experience: You meet someone you know, Smith-san, and they politely ask you to do something, to take on some task, and you politely say, “Yes, of course I will.” Smith-san then politely says, ‘Thank you,’ and goes on his or her way. And, as soon as Smith-san is out of earshot, you call up your friend and say, ‘Oh my God, I just met Smith-san and he asked me to do this. I really, really, really didn’t want to, but I had to say yes. I owed it to him.’ If you have had that experience then you probably know, deep down, that you did not HAVE to say yes. We say or think or feel that we owe someone, but the truth is that we do not. We are afraid of what others will think, or we are afraid that no one will help us when we need it and so we feel like we owe someone, but we could say no. I think this is the reason that Paul makes such a bald statement, “owe no one anything,” without giving us the least hint as to how we might actually do it. What Paul sees so clearly is that if I would be honest, 99 times out of 100, no 999 times out of a 1,000, I don’t “owe” anybody anything. I feel that owe them, but I am not being honest with myself or with them. AND if there really is something that you owe someone else, then Paul wants you to change your life, so that you do not owe anything to anyone.
So this brings me to my second point and that is the real question. Is this good advice? Even if it is possible not to owe anything to anyone, should we do that? It sounds unrealistic and even unchristian. I don’t owe my parents anything? I don’t owe my teachers anything? It seems that can’t be right. But I think that is what Paul is saying. You don’t owe your parents anything. Your parents did what they did, they were your parents. You don’t owe them. I am teacher. I do what I do, and you do not owe me. Here we get to the Christian part of the message. We tend to think of the world as being a place where we owe people things and we are owed things by others. We like this world, because it tells us who we are and where we belong. I do this for you and you do this for me. That is the way the world works. But Paul comes along and smashes that world, or tells us that that world has been smashed by the Cross of Christ. That world is passing out of existence. In the Christian mode of existence you do things for others with no expectation of being repaid. In the Christian world there is no owing, nor any being owed. Christians are free and they do not owe anything to anyone and Christians are to live in such a way that they maintain that freedom.
My third point is, then, that by saying you are not to owe anyone anything, Paul is saying you are to live free. You are to be radically free and loving. The Christian life is about freedom and about love. You are to love and do what you want to do.
Now this sounds dangerous. It sounds anarchistic. Maybe it is, but Paul does say that some things are off the table. You cannot kill, or commit adultery, or lie or steal. You cannot covet. You cannot walk on the roads that lead to those kinds of things, the road of anger or the road of lust, the road of deceit, because all those things involve you in owing something to someone. But apart from that you should do what you want. There is no “owing” here. We need to trust in the power of love and of freedom.
Let us pray.
Lord, we ask you to set us free. Set us free from all of our debts and help us to free all of our debtors. Let us trust in the power of your love to move the world. Let us guard our freedom and enable us to “owe nothing to anyone.” We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
ICU教会 新入生歓迎礼拝メッセージ
ジェレマイア オルバーグ
13:8互に愛し合うことの外は、何人にも借りがあってはならない。人を愛する者は、律法を全うするのである。 13:9「姦淫するな、殺すな、盗むな、むさぼるな」など、そのほかに、どんな戒めがあっても、結局「自分を愛するようにあなたの隣り人を愛せよ」というこの言葉に帰する。 13:10愛は隣り人に害を加えることはない。だから、愛は律法を完成するものである。

I am an academic living in Tokyo.